Gittin Timing of Post-Holiday Periods Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Why did Rambam omit this specific detail?
Gittin Mistaken Identity and Divorce Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Can a mistaken belief about infertility justify a divorce?
Gittin Priority in Torah Reading Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Does peace justify a less learned Kohen reading first?
Gittin Intentions and Actions Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Does approaching one's wife imply intentional distress?
Gittin Disputed Conditions Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Why do sages differ on annulment conditions?
Gittin Debate on Divorce Representation Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Can a husband retract divorce if wife changes mind?
Gittin Intentions Behind Sending a Messenger Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Does sending a messenger imply a deliberate intent to cause distress?
Gittin Land Ownership and Tithing Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Does non-Jewish land ownership affect tithing obligations?
Gittin Witness Credibility in Divorce Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Can a single credible witness validate a divorce document?
Gittin Court of Three Binjomin Szanto-Varnagy 2024.09.16.2024.09.16. Why must a court have three members for testimony?